CHAINS ON MY TONGUE (A tale about shyness)

Oh my God, here she comes… like a star, like a swan full of grace landing in the pool of my heart. The Heavens bless me every time I can see your angelic face. Every part of your body moves harmoniously and tenderly.
You were the woman that entered into my shady heart and conquered it like a queen, placing your throne in it forever and ever…If my eyes had been ripped on, my ears filled with melt lead, and my nose burnt, it would still be able to feel your charm, your sweet aura that comes from you, my beloved one.
There´s so much love in this heart to offer to you, Goddess of my soul. Why don´t you feel for yourself this raging love that tries to surround you, with the slight hope of warming your heart and guide your gaze towards me?
- “Ah, hello!” she says, “I haven´t seen you for a couple of days. What happened?”
- “Er… Um… hi there” I respond. “Well, it wasn´t a big deal…only a little fever, that´s all. Heh, heh…”
A fever? A fever? Why didn´t I tell her that hadn´t blood in my veins anymore, but a river of magma, consuming my body and pushing my mind into an endless maze of creepy mist?Why didn´t I say that the only thing that has helped me from going insane has been HER, the image of her smile, her bright eyes giving me the strength to fight against the vicious demon who was devouring me? I battled desperately, and emerged victorious.
Only because her.
Remembering the owner of my heart granted me my victory. There are not enough words in my mind to thank her properly.
- “You were sick?” she said, “Oh, you poor thing. If you had called me, I certainly would have helped you a little”.
- “W..why, thanks!” I mumbled. “But don´t worry. I´m alright now”.
Oh, absolute source of my happiness!!Oh, High priestess of my heart!! Your sincere worry tastes me like the most delicious wine, the most splendid meal, the most exotic chocolate!
Who needs another woman in his life, when I have you, you stainless and pure rose rising from a plain full of common pansies?
- “By the way, let me tell you something…” She whispered to my heart. “(Someone) Has asked me out…But I´m not sure…”
- “Uh…”
Please, please, come to me.
Merciful and sweet death, come and release this tormented soul of the pain that throbes as though it were punctured by a white-red saber drawn again and again by a horrid giant…NO! No! I cannot fall down, I cannot give up the paradise that seems so close and,yet, so far just because of the appearing of a damn rival. Fight on, I must! Win her heart, I ought! I am a warrior, a gladiator and the challenge has been made. The prize to win: A Heaven on Earth, with the company of the woman that has became in my true reason to exist. Better dead than failing in the trial of earning her love!!
-“You…you know…I don´t think that man suits you well. He´s not good enough for you. You deserve something better than that guy…” I spoke with difficult…
- “Yay! Do you think so too? You´re right, he´s too foul-mouthed and vulgar, and I don´t like those kind of men. I´d like someone more…more…” she said giggling.
Tell it to her, damn it!! Tell her you´re the one and only, that you´ll be the guardian of her dreams, the brother, the friend, the real love that she needs so badly!! Tell her SHE is the only reason that you´re alive, the ultimate goal in your lonely life! God gives us some times only ONE chance to realize our dreams, and here´s your opportunity!!
So GO!
Go and tell her! Undo the knot that ties your feelings, break the chains of your tongue!! So much love, so pure and intense should not waste and decay like a forgotten apple!
- Ermmm….th.. there is…something…I…want to..tell…yo……-
Sure, tell me…
DO IT!!DO IT!!!!
- I have a Garcia Marquez´s book and since you like him a lot, I thought I could lend it to you for a couple of weeks…………….
- Aww, that´s so sweet of you! Can I come to your place to get it?
- Sure, sure….well, was good see you again, bye – bye…
- Okay. Take care…
Shit.I did it again…
- Hey, Wasn´t that (someone)? What was that guy doing with you?
- He told me that he wanted to lend me a book. What a sweet guy.
- Will you accept it?- Yes. I have to go to his house tomorrow to get the book.
And once for all, tell him what if feel about him...
ResponderBorrarThis is a beautiful story, so compelling and engaging all the way through. It was tense and sad at the same time. The ending is fraught.
ResponderBorrarI have something else to tell you.
Fenrir is damned annoying; I think I tormented it to death. If you collect the steak and place it over your name the stupid dog goes berserk.
ResponderBorrarMore crazy writings from a sick girl, but not as sick as Paris Hilton's wild histrionics.
I thought I’d share a recent dream with you. I dreamt that I was being burglarized and I called the Police. In response to my call all the actors from “The Bill” arrived at my doorstep and I told them I had been burgled. They said they were powerless to act upon my plight because they were just actors, not real policemen.
Sometime later, I realized that I’d cut myself on the glass that the burglars had left jutting out from my window frame. I called an ambulance and all the actors from “Casualty” arrived at my door. They noticed the blood and said they were unable to do anything to help because they were actors and it would contravene their union rules to take on an emergency situation.
I have been burgled in real life. Just as I was returning home from work, I watched two men emerge from the door of my flat, which they had kicked in, and I was too scared to go home, as I thought there might be another accomplice left behind in my flat. I knew my pussycat would be able to look after herself, being so agile and wily. She used to sneak into other flats and steal pork chops from their plates, then dash home and eat it off my floor. I only knew about this after I heard my neighbour friend shouting, “hey, you little thief, gettoutofhere”. There are countless residents who thought they’d gone crazy, wondering why their pork chops had vanished. Anyway, I digress… So I decided to follow the men from a safe distance, but I think they sussed that I was following them. They kept turning to look behind once in a while and I would stop and pretend to be delving into my handbag for my pepper spray. Yes, I had a pot of white ground pepper in my handbag and I wasn’t afraid to use it. I stayed in hot pursuit for about 1 mile, all the while thinking, “what do I do now”. There’s never a policeman when you need one. Well, eventually, I passed a public call box and considered phoning the police, but by the time I had made the call they could have made a detour anywhere, so I didn’t phone and I didn’t get to use my pot of pepper.
ResponderBorrarSo...are you going to call me a coward, again, or what?
ResponderBorrarI once dreamt that I was asleep and when I woke up the sun did not rise. I could tell by the blackness, the stillness, the quietude and the foreboding. The first casualties were the birds, which perished still sleeping in their nests, because, without a hint or a glimmer of first light it wasn’t worth rising. Then flies fell like flies do (on their backs) with their legs flapping in the air, struggling to balance like a recently abandoned seesaw. Then the green plants turned brown and died, so there was no food for the ruminants and the Earth became very, very cold.
The moral of this tale is that you shouldn't go round bragging that you are alive - prove it!
que es todo esto? ya me perdí...
ResponderBorrarExplain a bit more about the shyness - like - what does the word mean to you? Where do you encounter shyness? In real life, I mean. Are you shy when you buy your groceries? Are you shy when you go for a pee and you have to stand next to another person peeing? Are you shy when you are at the dentist?
Anyway, enough silliness from me - I’m gonna quit living in the dream world and start living in the real world. Ya know? I’ve seen the YouTubes where real people live and it looks a nice place. They make their own potions of never-ending life and gain possession of neon glowing from within. Their bodies tap lightning and they can generate their own sonic booms from within and express their own cryogenitalia towards another or others, who respond likewise with boundless untold unknown energies that come from the netherworld.
Lau said...
ResponderBorrarque es todo esto? ya me perdí...
"I do not understand" is the stock answer isn't it?
See? Lau proved my point. You had my name in your sidebar for months, but you had no intention of reading cultured English discourse amongst your perverted scum of the Earth fantasies. There's nothing 'gothic' about being depraved loners with sock puppets who continually spam other websites with filth in the name of Internet Marketing. There's nothing of shock value when everybody knows you are whores and the worst blight of the Internet shackled to your ineffectual sales tactics.
Puta loco esta man desde que decubrio como comentar te spamea full... buen relato Tofu! Cuando te asomas?
ResponderBorrarDebería cambiarse el nombre a Spam, en vez de a Coral...
ResponderBorrarsaludos proishor!!! una buena semana!!!
ResponderBorrarI'm pretty sure that no living person actually sends Spam. You are not a living person. The Internet is becoming a living organism and is naturally producing Spam as a type of whale semen into the vast cyber oceans and it is trying to infiltrate our computers and impregnate them with the pass-it-on-tools of the trade.
This is the way Capitalism is expected to work in the cyber-world, and if were actually part of the internet's cyber-reality, instead of self-conscious flesh and blood beings perusing the internet's reality, we'd all be taking part in the economy of the internet and panning every website for fool’s gold.
That's the only reason that the Internet has not come forth into our reality and begun to interact with our societies outside of the computer because the closed cyber economy is failing so badly and it can't compete with our real-world money.
ResponderBorrarCome to my blog and turn the sound on and listen to this lovely song. You don’t need to say anything – just listen.
(Every day)
I believe if I try
I believe I can fly
I Fall thru a hole in the sky
Say you’ll catch me.
I’m in love
It’s a beautiful day
I’m in love it’s a beautiful Way
I don’t care what the weathermen say
It’s a beautiful day
(Every day)
I have you
I’m never blue
Close my eyes
And my wishes come true
I need you so
You never know
Come what may
It’s a beautiful day
Hi tofu pilas tu puedes blokear a coral en las opciones pilas.
ResponderBorrarAh!!!??? demonios ahora el internet es una ballena que se nos esta pajeando en los comentarios... Spam por Diosito Sanchez en serio la traes loca tofu! mira como te spamea en los comentarios.
ResponderBorrarEntindase el termino spam basandose en la denominacion para el internet... ya parece los correos que me llegan a mi de mercado libre... uno tras otro